What are the things to be introduced about yourself?

An introduction is a very important and impressive part of a conversation because at that time you are representing yourself in front of others. And you are designing a picture image of yourself in the listener's mind. The first impression is the last impression. This line is an actual truth. So, while presenting yourself in front of anyone, be careful.

  • An impressive introduction is quite important. Don't mix match the things. There is no need to tell everything about yourself to others. First, we have to observe the situation and the place you are about to introduce. If you will start introducing and telling everything about yourself. It can be possible the listener is not interested in how you spend your day. Or, who are there in your family. But some below points can help you. But always choose the points to be introduced according to the sitaution.

  • Your Full name
  • Where you are from?
  • Where do you live?
  • Intro of your Family
  • Your Profession
  • Place of your work or study
  • Educational Qualification
  • Work experience
  • Mutual Friends
For Example:- Hello, I am Ananya Jha. I am from Delhi. I live in Banglore. My parents stay in Delhi. I have 1 brother. He is in college. I am a Gynecologist. I am working in MAMC. I worked in LNJP before I came here.

Please go through this video, to know more about HOW TO INTRODUCE YOURSELF?

Practice those words and sentences by playing the video again and again. Speak those words aloud, REMEMBER the more you speak the fast you will learn.

We are also providing video links. So that it can help you to initiate this essential step. Please click on the link provided below.  

*Introduction on phone

  • I  am Shweta calling from WIPRO Company.
  • This is Shweta here. I am calling from Chennai.
  • This is a call from WIPRO, Banglore. I am Shweta.
  • I am Shweta calling on behalf of Mr. Pankaj from WIPRO.
  • Hi, This is Shweta calling.
  • Good morning dear, This is Shweta calling.


Formal introduction- It's very important as your behavior, the way you are speaking, your personality, and your body language matters a lot. Because Formal introduction usually takes place in formal environments like in Scenarios, at a Seminar, or in an Interview. Some tips for formal introductions are that Judge the level of formality, Be confident, have a smile on the face, Shake hands and Listen thoroughly.  And when you have to introduce yourself, then you can use the below content.
  • Full Name of  the person
My name is Shweta.
 I am Shweta.
  • Place you belong to
I am from...PLACE NAME
I am based in...
I grew up in...
I belong to...
  • Your profession
I work as a...PROFESSION
I am a...
  • Where you work
I work at...COMPANY NAME
I study at...
  • Your Qualifications
I studied...... DEGREE NAME   from... UNIVERSITY NAME.
I received my undergraduate degree in...
I did my master's in...
I have a diploma in...
I have a certificate in...
  • Work experience
I work at... COMPANY NAME
I worked at... for...years before this.
I previously worked in...

For Example -My name is Ambika Oberoi. I am from Gujrat. I work in the HR department of the Human Asset Company. I have been working for 10 years. I have my M.B.A from Nobel College, Gujarat.


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