Have you ever thought about why some people are always busy and still not achieving their goals? Today we are going to talk about it. As we are aiming to succeed in our life, we have to stop some of the major habits that we are used to. 

All of us are having only 24 hr in a day. Then why some people are not having enough time in a day? Why some people are busy resolving problems/work and due to lack of time they are not able to resolve them? 

I am going to tell you the answers to all these questions. Being busy does not mean that you are going to get, what you are working for. Investing all your time does not give surety to your achievement. 

One who is willing to enhance the quality of their life should know the difference between BEING BUSY and BEING PRODUCTIVE.


                                                                      BUSY  PEOPLE

  • Busy people are having lack time management.  People who are busy wasting all their time while doing and resolving problems. They do not have enough hours in their day-to-day life. They are constantly rushed in performing tasks and still not getting results. Busy people are also very bad at relationship management due to a lack of time.

  • Just think that if a person has to work on his skills and he found the 5 skills he needs to learn for being successful. So, he started learning all the skills at a time and after giving all his time to learning still he will not get a productive result. Do you know why?

  • As he has not prioritized which skill is the highest priority, which slows down the process and the speed of the result. Busy people have many goals at a time. And this is the main reason for their failure.

  • Busy people say YES and take more than one task at a time. They are good in nature and work hard more than their efficiency and so they are not able to complete their work on time. Busy people believe in QUANTITY as they have a long to-do list.

  • Busy people pretend to have a purpose for being busy. They do not have a real mission. They usually focus on their weakness and only talk about how busy they are. Busy people do not improve themselves and also get distracted easily and waste their time. 

  • Busy people do not take breaks and are glued to their work. They focus on how to impress others

  • Productive people have very well time management. As a result, they have a lot of time to manage their relationships with friends and family. 

  • Productive people set their priorities, which they need to fulfill first, and usually finish their work on time.

  • Productive people say NO or think a lot before saying YES according to their time management.

  • Productive people take advantage of their skills,  take the help of their co-workers and also work hard as well as smart.

  • Productive people work towards their mission and also believe in giving QUALITY in their tasks. They do not make excuses or reasons and never get distracted.

  • Productive people know when to take a break and refresh their minds. So, that it can generate good ideas and work efficiently.

  • Productive people do not focus on impressing others as their result shows their qualities.


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